Contact phone: +370 444 22391

The Association is aiming to satisfy the needs and interests of the members in the below mentioned fields:
to focus personal and common efforts of the members of the association searching for new milk and dairy product markets as well as implement other tasks and objective;
to consult and deliver resource help to the members of the Association;
promote new dairy production technologies and implement advanced experience;
motivate and raise the qualification of employees and members of the Association;
accumulate and disseminate scientific, methodological and comparative material for the members of the Association;
endeavor that the members of the Association would be competitive with their price of raw milk and dairy products comparing to other companies in Lithuania, the EU and other countries;
analyse and evaluate the market of raw milk and dairy products, prepare recommendations related to developing of the dairy market and provide the information to the members;
cultivate economic relationship with institutions and organizations within the country and abroad, develop marketing and promote advanced sales technologies and other commercial activities;
stimulate the appliance of advanced raw milk and dairy product production technologies. Organize and take part in meetings, exhibitions, seminars and conferences;
represent the interests of the members of the Association in all institutions and organizations of local authority and state government;
The Association of Lithuanian
Dairy Farms
Company code 180878484
VAT number 100001742210
Address: Luokės str. 73, Telšiai
Phone no.: +370 444 22391
Fax: +370 444 69205
Account No. LT504010042800010891
Bank: AB DNB bank